Tag Archives: Global Warming
COP 21 Analysis
In a study published in the journal Environmental Research Letters, climate scientists confirmed that the upper troposphere is exhibiting strong warming. “We are being told that a temperature increase of more than 2 degrees C[elsius] by comparison with the beginning … Continue reading
Réchauffement Climatique De la Planète
Il est largement allégué que la science de réchauffement climatique est “installée”. Cela implique que tous les aspects scientifiques majeurs de changement climatique sont bien compris et indiscutables et que les scientifiques essuient maintenant juste quelques détails sans importance. L’allégation … Continue reading
All about global warming: Copenhagen diagnosis report
The Copenhagen Diagnosis, 2009: “Updating the World on the Latest Climate Science” I. Allison, N.L. Bindoff, R.A. Bindschadler, P.M. Cox, N. de Noblet, M.H. England, J.E. Francis, N. Gruber, A.M. Haywood, D.J. Karoly, G. Kaser, C. Le Quéré, T.M. Lenton, … Continue reading
To be or not to be, success in Copenhagen. The UN climate change conference
By hosting the UN climate conference COP15 in 2009, the Danish government has brought energy into focus as a decisive political area. Predicting the consequences of global warming is one of the really difficult tasks for the world’s climate researchers. … Continue reading
MOREP scientific chapter working on global warming issues today introduction on a new onset of device?acting on?city warming. Beside the previous issues,?decreasing the effect of Air Conditionning on city warming by encouraging to swirch off the AC during non?needs hours, … Continue reading
OZONE Depleting Chemicals: “Remembering Our Future”
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) and halon are two Ozone-depleting Chemicals that China has shut-down 5 of its 6 remaining plants to reduce its production. China, India and South Korea are leading producers of the 2 Ozone depleting chemicals. This program was supported … Continue reading
MOREP President calls for starting “the world cold program”
30/06/2007 Launching in MOREP environment chapter, the World Cold Program as it was previewed in the year 2007. As the Global Warming?in the?atmosphere reached a red line, MOREP calls for rainforest plantation in deserted areas and most deficient ozone areas. … Continue reading
MOREP NEWS 10/12/2006 : Deep Sea Ecosystem
Responding to the depletion of fish stocks and degradation of fragile marine habitats in many parts of the world, the United Nations General Assembly called on States to take immediate action to reverse the situation and protect vulnerable deep sea … Continue reading
MOREP NEWS 21/11/2006 : Rainforest Protection
?ALARMING SITUATION: Rainforest reduction in AMAZONE. This forest represents over half of the planet’s remaining rainforests. Amazonian rainforests comprise the largest and most species rich tract of tropical rainforest that exists. Deforestation is becoming alarming since big wood commercial societies … Continue reading
MOREP NEWS 14/10/2006: Bio-Fuel
?MOREP’s Environment Chapter: MOREP’s environment team asking Lebanese supporters to reduce air pollution : DO YOU HOPE MAKING FUEL FROM KITCHEN OIL WASTE? THE ENVIRONMENT CHAPTER OF MOREP IS PROPOSING TO SAVE AIR POLLUTION BY MAKING BIOLOGIC FUEL FOR SELF … Continue reading