Tag Archives: Waste
United For Lebanon: Under Barcelona treaty for the Mediterranean sea, UNEP responds to our quest for the Costa Brava landfill and marine waste.
Following the letter sent by the Coalition “United For Lebanon” (UFL) on 10/3/2019 to Dr. Luisa Rodríquez-Lucas as the legal representative of the United Nations Environment Program on the Barcelona Convention on Pollution of the Mediterranean, and after beeing met … Continue reading
Civil movement press conference in Lebanon: United to save the mediterranean sea from “Corrupted” landfill waste on sea banks.
All United attorneys Hani Ahmadieh, Hassan Bazzi and Rami Ollaik, with MOREP president Dr Majid Abi Saab on a press conference. Activists report, Beirut October 3, 2018. Worse Waste sorting in Lebanon video intro link The civil movement held a … Continue reading
Environmental concerns and medical waste, a MOREP action
Medical Waste methods of identification and segregation was elaborated under MOREP actions, pushing the medical sector for their participations for realable handling, recycling, incineration depending on medical waste subdivisions
Waste to compost: a MOREP action
The Composting Process Compost is decomposed organic material. Compost is made with material such as leaves, shredded twigs, and kitchen scraps from plants. To gardeners, compost is considered “black gold” because of its many benefits in the garden. Compost is … Continue reading
A new booklet for educational awareness on environment.
MOREP Educational Reform Chapter are planning to increase the awareness in school concerning the environment, a part of educational system. By that way, we believe that the author of the book “Hayati Afdal Bil Akhdar” Katy Khattar approached? special targets, … Continue reading
What Are Toxins and How Dangerous Are They Really?
By LINA EL-BAKER. www.pureinsideout.com We constantly hear about toxins threats through magazine articles, on the World Wide Web and on TV and radio. But what are toxins exactly? Where do they come from, and how can we eliminate, or at … Continue reading
MOREP NEWS 14/10/2006: Bio-Fuel
?MOREP’s Environment Chapter: MOREP’s environment team asking Lebanese supporters to reduce air pollution : DO YOU HOPE MAKING FUEL FROM KITCHEN OIL WASTE? THE ENVIRONMENT CHAPTER OF MOREP IS PROPOSING TO SAVE AIR POLLUTION BY MAKING BIOLOGIC FUEL FOR SELF … Continue reading
MOREP NEWS 20/01/2006 : Lebanon’s Place Under the Sun?
?Head of the Movement of Reform and Environment Program supports the Newsletter signed by the president of Association of Lebanese Industry Mr Fadi Abboud entitled Lebanon’s Place Under The Sun. Dr Abi Saab said that to push up the economical … Continue reading