Category Archives: ARCHIVES
COP15 : the fifteenth conference of the parties to the UN framework convention on climate change
COP 15 just started on Monday 7, 2009 by opening ceremonies and a largest crowd on its first day. When the organizers and the PM of Denmark announced that non-industrial countries will have a special aid to regulate the effect … Continue reading
All about global warming: Copenhagen diagnosis report
The Copenhagen Diagnosis, 2009: “Updating the World on the Latest Climate Science” I. Allison, N.L. Bindoff, R.A. Bindschadler, P.M. Cox, N. de Noblet, M.H. England, J.E. Francis, N. Gruber, A.M. Haywood, D.J. Karoly, G. Kaser, C. Le Quéré, T.M. Lenton, … Continue reading
Open letter to COP15 president Connie Hedegaard
Subject: Climate change. Mrs. Connie Hedegaard, COP15 president, Minister of Climate and Energy, Copenhagen. Dear COP15 president, After the increasing tension regarding climate change and CO2 emissions, we appreciate your great work of hosting the COP15 on climate change. Since … Continue reading
Live Lebanon exhibition supported by UNDP
UNDP Lebanon opened a new website for Lebanese diaspora to help their development program implemented in 4 regions. The website includes donations for specific project. The exhibition held in Beirut in the old building “City Center” partially destroyed by … Continue reading
The MOREPISTS broadcasting network just launched
THE MOREPISTS PRESS. MOREP launched the MOREPISTS Broadcasting Network on the site link . “This advanced webcast permits to the MOREPISTS to update any environmental concerns or reform propositions, talk, reporting and clips on their own.” MOREP President Dr … Continue reading
The Natural Tourism Awards Winner 2009: Lebanon Countryside and Natural Tourism
THE MOREPISTS PRESS Lugano, 18th April 2009 Mr. Nawfal Chedrawy in the name of Lebanon Countryside and Natural Tourism of Besharre District won the Award of Natural Tourism in Lugano 18th of April 2009. The first edition of Meeting Luxury, … Continue reading
Le syt?me oligarchique et la r?forme ?lectorale
Par Amira Y. G. Suite ? l’article “Liban: Les d?fis de l’avenir..” J’ai voulu?donner mon avis?sur ces quelques lignes. C?est certain qu?une r?forme ?lectorale est une priorit?. Ce qu?on a vu hier des lib?raux qui votent pour la libert? et … Continue reading
Summer of Lebanon and quarries. 5 years after the council of state’s jurisprudence. A law case to stop quarries in Lebanon.
One of the biggest environment problem in Lebanon is the Quarries. Forests devastation, “eaten” mountains, water tablecloths freatic polluted, and virgin forests become disgusting! Quarries started in Lebanon during the after war period when it became really a disaster for … Continue reading
Abi Saab: Pour Un Gouvernement De 7 Ministres
Dans l’?tat actuel, au moment de la pr?paration de la rencontre de Saint Cloud, le pr?sident du MOREP a?propos? ce soir?un plan danslequel un gouvernement de 7 ministres technocrates pr?sid? par Seniora fera la transition et mettra au point le … Continue reading