Author Archives: admin
Abi Saab, morep president, addressing to activists: save the Earth.
By The Morepists Press. In an open dialogue to activists, Morep president and founder HE Majid Abi Saab, raised the biggest concern on addressing a hard direct message to save the Earth during his speech to the world morepists activists. … Continue reading
United For Lebanon: Under Barcelona treaty for the Mediterranean sea, UNEP responds to our quest for the Costa Brava landfill and marine waste.
Following the letter sent by the Coalition “United For Lebanon” (UFL) on 10/3/2019 to Dr. Luisa Rodríquez-Lucas as the legal representative of the United Nations Environment Program on the Barcelona Convention on Pollution of the Mediterranean, and after beeing met … Continue reading
Civil movement press conference in Lebanon: United to save the mediterranean sea from “Corrupted” landfill waste on sea banks.
All United attorneys Hani Ahmadieh, Hassan Bazzi and Rami Ollaik, with MOREP president Dr Majid Abi Saab on a press conference. Activists report, Beirut October 3, 2018. Worse Waste sorting in Lebanon video intro link The civil movement held a … Continue reading
Dr Abi Saab, MOREP president for medical research on Al Jazeera Mubasher.
MOREP medical chapter continues its development worldwide. A talk show with Dr Abi Saab, MOREP president and consultant rheumatologist, head of rheumatology department at Al Ahli Hospital, attracted the highest live views ever at Al Jazeera program talk show “With … Continue reading
Antarctic treaty. MOREP for further research development under U.N.
The Morepists and MOREP organisational movement supported the 23rd of June (58th anniversary as of 2017 and 63rd as of 2022) of signing of the Antarctic Treaty. It is an international agreement that dedicates Antarctica a scientific reserve for research … Continue reading
Abi Saab on talk show: Medical awareness program with Al Jazeera TV
One of the medical chapter of the morepists, awareness program, this live broadcast was a talk show at Al Jazeera TV about Rheumatoid Arthritis. Dr Abi Saab interviewed about issues related to the disease.
Zareh Hadajian: Architect in the line of Art
Zareh, architect of the DPLG Paris beaux-arts during the 60th, creative artist, he has his own developped style of paintings. Influenced by his Parisian architectural background, he became famous. He received us in his Amazing workshop at his residence. Exclusive … Continue reading
Laila Fakher, a business developer of Intermediate company at City Scape
Laila, “une personnalité financière” promotes businesses between Europe and MENA region, a power of her asset is to “design the business to target”. Exclusive interview by The MOREPISTS
COP 21 Analysis
In a study published in the journal Environmental Research Letters, climate scientists confirmed that the upper troposphere is exhibiting strong warming. “We are being told that a temperature increase of more than 2 degrees C[elsius] by comparison with the beginning … Continue reading
Assadour, a special interview
A chance brought the Morepists to meet the famous artist Assadour and to release this interview. Assadour was taking his green tea at Zareh’s residence, his old friend of Paris. Thank you Assadour for your special works. April 12, 2016 … Continue reading