Tag Archives: Petition
MOREP NEWS 14/08/2006 : MOREP PETITION for peace
Today 14/8/2006 our database reached ?1 0 8 3 7 2? ?international signatures in the petition launched on 18/7/2006 to stop the war in Lebanon supporting the Open Letter to U.N. Secretary General. Today’s the end of “July War”. http://www.announcexpress.com/Morep.htm
Tagged Middle East Peace, MOREP NEWS, Petition
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MOREP European Supporters
Letter from Supporters from Europe 22/7/2006: “Oeuvrons pour la paix entre les peuples, oeuvrons pour le respect de l’?tre humain , le respect d’autrui quelque soit ses croyances. La vie est difficile dans notre monde de plus en plus comp?titif … Continue reading
Tagged Civil War, Middle East Peace, MOREP NEWS, Petition
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