Tag Archives: Election
Independents for the independence
One of the key tenets to MOREP’s political platform is the candidacy to legislative election. MOREP’s candidates are? representing different regions in Lebanon from all sides. The goal is to get into parliament to implement the reform planning and to … Continue reading
MOREPISTS candidacy
Increasing the power of MOREPISTS in Lebanon. MOREP is involved in a plan of political development and environment protection, and has the spirit of peace and reconciliation in the country. Abi Saab declared officially his candidacy today in the Interior … Continue reading
MOREP: another action plan
The other side of politics, the perfect, the professional, the clearer and the peaceful, this is what MOREPISTS hope to reach within the political system in Lebanon. Adding that MOREP and supporters will act effectively to make the best development … Continue reading
Le syt?me oligarchique et la r?forme ?lectorale
Par Amira Y. G. Suite ? l’article “Liban: Les d?fis de l’avenir..” J’ai voulu?donner mon avis?sur ces quelques lignes. C?est certain qu?une r?forme ?lectorale est une priorit?. Ce qu?on a vu hier des lib?raux qui votent pour la libert? et … Continue reading
Une Loi Electorale, Pour Quoi? Pour Qui?
?Par Dr Ghada El-Yafi Les d?bats sur la loi ?lectorale vont bon train ; chacun pr?sente sa loi, chacun d?fend son point de vue, chacun a concoct? le meilleur projet pour servir la meilleure cause. Qu?attendons-nous de la loi ?lectorale … Continue reading