Subject: Climate change.
Mrs. Connie Hedegaard,
COP15 president,
Minister of Climate and Energy, Copenhagen.
Dear COP15 president,
After the increasing tension regarding climate change and CO2 emissions, we appreciate your great work of hosting the COP15 on climate change.
Since the Earth is very rich in living natural environment, the industrialism participates in putting an end to this precious life without any control of CO2 emissions by any nation. The fossil fuel and its resources have become indispensable to our life knowing that oil reserve will definitely finish in 40 years; the last 100 liters will be so expensive that it will be ridiculous to buy it. What we are seeing since the era of industrialism is a war against the environment for economical purposes and this is considered against “Human Rights” and “Geneva Convention” to maintain life on Earth.
Mrs. the minister, we would like to share with you these concerns; raise in global temperature of 2 degrees Celsius is considered a threshold after which social, environmental and agricultural disasters may happen. Fossil oil reserve is also in decline. What are we preparing for the next generation before the catastrophe takes place? Actions taken by some countries to reduce CO2 emission to a limited target without any coordination (17% by USA, 30% by EU for the next 10 years) remain not enough, knowing that 75% of CO2 emission is beyond consumer control. If everyone does a little, we’ll achieve only a little, a fair reduction of CO2 emission should not be less than 85% reached in 3 years. The action taken by Iceland as prototype is the most adequate till the moment.
According to studies led by the French CNRS (NATIONAL CENTER FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH), on oceans well of global carbon, the absorption capacity of CO2 of the southern ocean, previously estimated at 500 million tons a year, would be ten times less. Every year, 10 billion tons of CO2 are injected in the atmosphere by the human activities, against 6 billion in the 90s. While the ocean loses of its absorption capacity, its efficiency as a well of carbon, estimated previously at approximately 30 %, falls to less than 20 %.
The problems of CO2 emissions and oil use are closely interrelated and need to be considered as a whole. Budgets directed for the purpose of free renewable energy productions are limited; even some countries prohibit full private production of free energy in a consumer home.
Mrs. the president, the environment is a property of mankind. Global warming is under the responsibility of the United Nations which has the obligation to put an end to this problem, issuing a signed protocol, considering this problem as a whole and to act accordingly. We urge the international community to solemnly declare that the air, as the ocean and seabed thereof, beyond the limits of national jurisdiction, is the common heritage of mankind, irrespective of the geographical location of states.
Therefore, we hope from you to take action by common agreement to prevent air pollution and CO2 emissions considering that this end may best be achieved by UN direct intervention against infringement preventing the climate warming and environment destruction. We have presented what should be agreed between industrial nations and this to be achieved as soon as possible before any environment disaster happens
The movement of reform and environment program.
Dr Majid Abi Saab
The President